बच्चे को लगी भूख तो पापा के फ़ोन से कर दिया 80 हजार के पिज़्ज़ा का आर्डर

A 6-year-old boy in Usa made headlines recently when he ordered food worth 80,000 Rupees ($1,100) using his father’s phone. The boy, who has not been named, was playing with his father’s phone when he stumbled upon a food delivery app and started ordering pizzas and other items.

The father only realized what had happened when he received an email confirming the order, which included multiple large pizzas, burgers, and drinks. The total cost of the order was a staggering 80,000 Rupees, a substantial amount for most families.

When the boy’s father confronted him about the order, the young child innocently asked, “Did the pizzas come yet?”

The story quickly went viral on social media, with many people finding the situation amusing and heartwarming. Some even offered to pay for the food, recognizing that the boy’s actions were a result of his curious and playful nature.

However, the incident also highlights the importance of being cautious when handing over our phones and other devices to children. With just a few clicks, a child can make purchases, send emails, and even access sensitive information. Parents and guardians must be mindful of this and take appropriate measures to protect their devices and prevent accidental purchases.

In this case, the food delivery company was understanding and cancelled the order, ensuring that the boy’s misadventure did not result in financial strain for his family.

In conclusion, this incident serves as a reminder to all of us to be mindful of the power of technology and to use it responsibly, especially when it comes to handing over our devices to children.

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